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But sometimes those same spectacles can add a certain “je ne sais quoi” to a young man’s appeal, as the likes of Kurt Maddox, Jaxon Radox and Billy Rubens are only too eager to demonstrate in this raunchy homage to all things geek! Of course, the fact that these guys are also generously hung and as horny as fuck only adds to the bargain as a whole host of over-educated fuckers swot up on their love of anatomical studies!Ĭast: Artem Kozirev, Yanis K., Dennis R., Artem V., Vanya, Andrey K., Yuriy Boshkin, Ludvig, Sasha Leskov, Danny DeNiro, Cheslav, Ivan There’s a general rule of thumb that says that porn stars should never wear glasses to work – if you get our drift. Genres: Bareback, European,Young Studs, High Definition, Twinks ,Cropped Hair, Big dick ,College Boys Cast: Jaxon Radoc, Kurt Maddox, Aaron Aurora, Billy Rubens, Chase Hunt, Lucius York, Johnny ACTORS:le, Chase Evans, Louis Blakeson

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